Strong Proficiency in JavaScript, React, and Next


Experienced Senior Developer specializing in UX/UI design with a strong proficiency in Typescript, React, and Next.js.

Proven track record of creating seamless and visually appealing user interfaces, coupled with expertise in modern front-end development.
Bringing extensive knowledge and leadership in delivering high-quality user experiences, optimizing performance, and staying abreast of the latest industry trends.

1. Certificates

I have a number of certificates issued by the largest Tech companies in the world confirming my high qualifications, including: Facebook, Google, Microsoft and IBM, and whose acquisition meant participation in many months of workshops, practical classes and passing the exams.

Google Cybersecurity

Google Cybersecurity

Microsoft Azure Developer

Microsoft Azure Developer

Meta Front-End Developer

Meta Front-End Developer

IBM Developing Front-End Apps with React

IBM Developing Front-End Apps with React

2. Projects

Short recap of some projects created by myself.

S&P 500 Charts and Calculator

Investor Center

Website created using Next.js, Chart.js and D3.

Unlock the power of financial foresight with our SP500 Compound ROI Calculator. Discover the potential growth of your investments with precision, as you effortlessly calculate compound returns based on the historic performance of the S&P 500. Make informed decisions and navigate your financial journey with confidence. Try it now and empower your wealth-building strategy!

Our user-friendly interface brings financial data to life, empowering investors, analysts, and enthusiasts to visualize and understand the dynamics of the market. Elevate your financial acumen, explore historical trends, and gain a competitive edge – all in one centralized hub. Start charting your success with our S&P 500 data visualization platform today

Visit Here

HistogramBubble ChartMulti Series Pie ChartHeatmap

My Investment

My Investment is a website that allows you to observe selected investments. We can observe over 1,200 different investment instruments - shares, indices, currencies, raw materials, cryptocurrencies. We can browse the website anonymously or create an account and track the profit or loss from our investment on an ongoing basis. The website was created using React, Typescript and Django. To read rates, it uses numerous public APIs, as well as private APIs and Data Scrape. It uses, among others: API of the National Bank of Poland, API of the Bitbay exchange, API of the Coingecko exchange and API of the IEX platform to display investment rates in real time.

We can track shares from the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the US Stock Exchange, the gold and silver raw material market, the cryptocurrency market and the index market. The interface is operated in JavaScript, while the backend is handled by Django. The website is fully mobile and adapted to phones.


Memory Master

MM Logo

Brain training is based on the idea that mental stimulation can improve neuroplasticity. It is the ability of the brain to create and reorganize connections between brain cells in response to new stimuli and tasks. The Brain Training Game Boosts Executive Functions study published in PLOS One in 2013 found that people who engaged in brain training games showed improvements in information processing speed, memory and executive functions.

The game was created entirely in Javascript and uses localStorage to store results, user settings and preferences. The website is fully mobile and adapted to play on your phone.

Memory Master is a game that intensively simulates short-term memory, improving focus and concentration.

It involves remembering the letters and positions that appear on the board and, in the extended version, also the colors of the letters. As the difficulty increases, we have to remember more and more information.

The game requires us to simultaneously remember information and use information already memorized, strongly stimulating the brain.

Remember the letter that appears and the field in which it appears. The letter and the field are unrelated and independent.

If the same letter appears on the same or any other field two turns later, click the "Letter" button. If the same or a different letter appears in the same field two turns later, click the "Position" button. If both the letter and the position match, click both buttons.

If the letter does not match the letter from two turns ago, you do not click anything. If the field does not match the field from two turns, you do not click anything.

Play Here

MM StartMM Play


AB testing software built in React and Django using Django Rest Framework and Cookies.When loading the tested page, the script will distribute the traffic equally to both subpages and calculate the effectiveness of each version of the page.

When the user visits a given link, the script will display one of two possible versions and will measure the user's behavior on this page. Cookies remember which version was displayed to the user and display the same version again when they return to the website.



The website was created using React, React-Router, Redux, Typescript and Django and uses the Leaflet map.It is fully mobile on all devices.

MotorwayMap is a map of all investments in Poland carried out by the largest state investor, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. The total investment amount is over PLN 40 billion. The number of tasks is over 100, and over 1,200 km of motorways and expressways are under construction. The map shows what and where investments are being made.

The investment map shows all road sections currently under construction. It shows where the section is located on the map, its length, who is the contractor, what is the amount and the deadline for completing the investment.

The appearance and event handling were programmed using React, React-Router, Redux, Typescript. The backend technology is Django. The Leaflet and OpenStreetMap libraries were used to create the map.


3. UX/UI and CRO


Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the practice of increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a website. Desired actions can include purchasing a product, clicking 'Add to cart', signing up for a service, filling out a form, or clicking on a link.


What are AB tests?

A/B testing is an effective way to increase your conversion rate. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who proceed to a specific goal on a page.

If you had two possible headlines on your website but couldn't decide which one to use, you could run an A/B test where:
• half of visitors will see heading A, and
• the other half will see heading B.

You can then count the orders for each headline and determine which headline brought you more value. A/B testing software makes it easier to conduct such tests. Each of your visitors will see a different version of the page - version A or version B, and then the software will determine which version performed best.

Main Page


To create a new AB test, enter links to the two versions of the page and to the success page, e.g.:
The software will generate Javascript code that should be pasted just after the head tag in the index.html file on both versions of the page and on the success page and re-upload these files to the server.

When users visit, the script will divide the traffic equally between the original page and the test version and will track the user's further path. Thanks to cookies, the script will know how many people went to the result subpage, which will give us information about the number of bounces, conversions and effectiveness of a given version of the website.

If 1,000 people visit each version of the website, and 200 people go from the original version to the cart, we have a 20% conversion. If 300 people go to the cart from the second version, we have a 30% conversion.


4. About me


I am highly motivated, have a positive attitude towards work and ambitious. I learn new technologies quickly and I am open to new work methods and tools.

During my studies, I worked part-time in internet marketing and after completing them, I stayed in this industry. In 2019 I decided change the industry and started learning programming in Javascript and Django. From YouTube videos to Udemy courses to solving tasks on CodeWars and creating my own projects and application.

Open Source

Contributing to Chart.js -

Work history

09.2022 - 01.2024 - Software Center, Capgemini Poland - Senior Front-End developer

03.2021 - 09.2022 - D&H Innovations - Fullstack developer

09.2014 - 03.2021 - JWAW - Digital marketing specialist


Gdynia Maritime University - Offshore Technologies - Master of Science 2014

Gdańsk University of Technology in Gdańsk - Geodesy and Cartography - Bachelor of Science 2013

5. Contact

You can contact me:


You can review my code at